Challenge Question

Unit Test Challenge Question

For this challenge question, you are going to test the functions we just wrote in class!

Part 0. Setup

Start by opening your workspace in Visual Studio. Right click on the “garden” folder in “lessons” and select “add file”. Your file will be named

Set up your document by adding the docstring: """Test my garden functions.""" and initializing the __author__ variable with your PID.

Also don’t forget to import your functions from!

Part 1-3. unit tests

Write 2 unit tests for each of the 3 functions defined in class. Remember that a unit test function name starts with test_.

The 2 unit tests should consist of:

  • One edge case
  • One use case

Include descriptive function names and docstrings, so that it captures what is being tested.

Also, be sure to not just copy the examples used in class for your cases! We will be checking for that!

Try your unit tests!

You can try your unit tests to see if they work by running:

python -m pytest lessons/garden/


Create a .zip file by running the following command in your terminal:

python -m tools.submission lessons/garden

Then, drag and drop that .zip file into Gradescope!

Contributor(s): Alyssa Byrnes