Practice Memory Diagram


   """ Practice Memory Diagram """

x: int = 2
y: str = "yo"
z: str = "2"
if len(y) > 1:
    y *= x
    y = "no"
if x > 0:


The memory diagram includes a column on the left titled Stack and a column on the right titled Output.

Image Description: The memory diagram is divided into two main sections: Stack and Output.

In the Stack section, under the label Globals, there are three variables displayed: * Variable x with the value 2. * Variable y with the original value “yo” crossed out and updated to “yoyo”. * Variable z with the value “1”.

In the Output section, the following are displayed in a vertical sequence: * The number 2. * The string “yoyo”

Contributor(s): Alyssa Lytle