Quiz 04 Practice


Solutions for each problem can be found at the bottom of this page.

Conceptual Questions

  1. A class definition provides a pattern for creating objects, but doesn’t make any objects itself. (T/F)
  2. By convention, Python class names start with a lowercase letter. (T/F)
  3. When you define a method in a class, all objects of that class have that method associated with it. (T/F)
  4. The first parameter of a method is a copy of the object the method is called on called self. (T/F)
  5. A class definition must come before an object of that class is instantiated. (T/F)
  6. You must have an instance of a class (an object) to call the class’s constructor. (T/F)
  7. Constructors must have the self parameter in their signature. (T/F)
  8. Constructors must take at least one parameter other than the self parameter. (T/F)
  9. Objects are passed into functions by reference. (T/F)
  10. The type of an object is the same as the name of the class it is an instance of. (T/F)

Memory Diagrams

Focus on the Recursion memory diagrams on the practice memory diagram page.

Class Writing

  1. This class is slightly challenging, but take it step by step! Create a ChristmasTreeFarm class with the following specifications:
    1. The ChristmasTreeFarm class should have one attribute: a list[int] named plots.
      • Basic behavior of plots (you will define this later):
        • This list will hold values that represent the size of the tree planted in each plot.
        • If the value at an index of the list is 0, then the plot at that index is empty (does not have a tree).
        • Any value other than 0 indicates that a tree is growing in that plot!
    2. The constructor for the class should take two arguments: plots: int and initial_planting: int, both of type int.
      • The first parameter, plots, represents the total number of plots in the farm. (Notice that the attribute plots and the parameter plots for this constructor are different, and represent different things!)
      • The second parameter, initial_planting, represents the number of plots that that will have trees already planted in them. These initially planted plots will be trees of size 1.
      • The constructor should initialize the plots attribute to an empty list, and then append initial_planting trees of size 1. After that, the constructor should fill the rest of the plots with zeroes to indicate that they are empty!
    3. The class should define a method called plant.
      • This method should have a parameter of type int, representing the plot index at which a tree should be planted.
      • The tree should be size 1 when planted. If this method is called on a plot that already has a tree, the old tree will be uprooted and replaced with a new baby tree (size 1).
    4. The class should define a method called growth.
      • This method should increase the size of each planted tree by 1. (Remember that unplanted plots are represented by a 0 in the plots list.)
    5. The class should define a method called harvest.
      • This method should have a parameter replant of type bool that will determine whether this method replants trees (sets them to size 1 after harvest) or leaves the plots empty (sets them to size 0 after harvest).
      • For this method, trees that are at least size 5 will be harvested. The method will return the count of how many trees were successfully harvested (type int).
  2. Write a Python class called Car that represents a basic model of a car with the following specifications:
  • Include attributes make: str, model: str, year: int, color: str, and mileage: float.
  • Write a constructor to initialize all attributes.
  • Implement a method for updating the mileage of the car, update_mileage, that takes an amount of miles: float as input and updated the mileage attribute.
  • Implement a method displaying the car’s attribute information as a string called display_info. It should just print the information and not return anything. (You can take creative liberty, as long as it prints out all attributes!)
  • Implement a function (NOT a method) called calculate_depreciation that calculates the depreciation of the car by taking a Car object as input and depreciation_rate: float and returns the mileage multiplied by the depreciation rate.

Practice calling these methods by instantiating a new car object and calling them!


Function Writing with Class Objects

  1. Write a function (NOT A METHOD) called find_courses. Given the following Course class definition, find_courses should take in a list[Course] and a str prerequisite to search for. The function should return a list of the names of each Course whose level is 400+ and whose prerequisites list contains the given string.
    class Course:
        """Models the idea of a UNC course."""
        name: str
        level: int
        prerequisites: list[str]
  1. Write a method called is_valid_course for the Course class. The method should take in a str prerequisite and return a bool that represents whether the course’s level is 400+ and if its prerequisites list contains the given string.


Conceptual Questions

  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True

Class Writing Solutions

    """Diagraming practice for Quiz 03."""

    class ChristmasTreeFarm:
        """A christmas tree farm!"""

        plots: list[int]

        def __init__(self, plots: int, initial_planting: int) -> None:
            """Sets up the farm."""
            self.plots = []
            i: int = 0
            while i< initial_planting:
                i += 1
            while i < plots:
                i += 1
        def plant(self, plot_number: int) -> None:
            """Plants a tree at the given plot number."""
            self.plots[plot_number] = 1
        def growth(self) -> None:
            """Grows each planted tree."""
            i: int = 0
            while i < len(self.plots):
                if self.plots[i] != 0:
                    self.plots[i] += 1
                i += 1

        def harvest(self, replant: bool) -> int:
            """Harvest trees that are fully grown!"""
            total: int = 0
            i: int = 0
            while i < len(self.plots):
                if self.plots[i] >= 5:
                    total += 1
                    if replant:
                        self.plots[i] = 1
                        self.plots[i] = 0
                i += 1
            return total
    class Car:
        make: str
        model: str
        year: int
        color: str
        mileage: float
        def __init__(self, make: str, model: str, year: int, color: str, mileage: float):
            self.make = make
            self.model = model
            self.year = year
            self.color = color
            self.mileage = mileage
        def update_mileage(self, miles: float) -> None:
            self.mileage += miles
        def display_info(self) -> None:
            info: str = f"This car is a {self.color}, {self. year} {self.make} {self.model} with {self.mileage} miles."
    def calculate_depreciation(vehicle: Car, depreciation_rate: float) -> float:
        return vehicle.mileage * depreciation_rate

to practice instantiating:

    my_ride: Car = Car("Honda", "CRV", "2015", "blue", 75000.00)
    calculate_depreciation(my_ride, .01)

Function Writing

    def find_courses(courses: list[Course], prereq: str) -> list[str]:
        """Finds 400+ level courses with the given prereq."""
        results: list[str] = []

        for c in courses:
            if c.level >= 400:
                for p in c.prerequisites:
                    if p == prereq:
        return results
    def is_valid_course(self, prereq: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if this course is 400+ level and has the given prereq."""
        if self.level < 400:
            return False
            for p in self.prerequisites:
                if p == prereq:
                    return True
            return False
Contributor(s): Megan Zhang, David Karash, Alyssa Byrnes